
 Google John Mueller recently threw light on submitting a URL to get indexed when it redirects to another URL, which is senseless.

The subject is dealt with in the last video, #AskGoogleWebmasters, with Mueller answer the questions of client-side JavaScript redirects.

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Here are the posted questions:

“Can the Google Chromium Evergreen detect client-side JavaScript redirects?” I cannot submit a GSC directory request to a page that directs a customer’s address to an order page. “

In response, Mueller first explained what the consistently green Google robot means. This is a reasonably new change; you can find out more here.

Mueller replied to redirect the problem by saying that Googlebot would redirect the client in the same way as the server-side redirect.

Submitting redirect URLs to Google for indexing is no longer recommended. This practice may cause duplicate content issues since the original URL is already indexed by Google. It’s better to focus on ensuring proper redirects are set up and managing the canonical tags for optimal SEO.

Contact your SEO agency to optimize your website.

While Googlebot can follow the client-side JS redirects, sending redirects to crawl is pointless.

This is correct whether it is a client, server, JS, or HTML.

The direct signal to Googlebot that the site owner wants to crawl other URLs.

In other words, it makes sense to submit a URL for indexing.

Another option is to make sure that Google finds the correct URL. If you link to a site, Googlebot detects it during regular crawling.

Read also: BingLocal SEO: The Best 8 Tips to Optimize Your Site

Mueller added that using Sitemaps can help Google identify URLs more quickly.

Listen to Mueller’s complete answer by watching the # AskGoogleWebmasters video below:


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