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Here are 10 great Instagram analytics tools to obtain marketing insights. Social media analytics tools are best to use. They provide you with insights into the following:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What content and tone of voice do they resonate with?
  • What you’re doing wrong in your social media marketing.
  • And, hopefully, what you’re doing right.

However, it can be challenging to collect data, select preferred steps and present them in a viable and mutual way. Fortunately, some tools can help you!

But do you need Instagram Analysis Tool?

Instagram has understood the importance of this platform for brands and companies (then find new products on 60% of Instagram users), and their warning labels still need to be corrected and updated.

The essential metrics are usually printed in different tabs, and you get a little time to see the data you want and cannot export.

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In addition, your integration analysis is more than just information you can get from Instagram. While analyzing integration posts of other public users, you can:

  • FindInstagram effects
  • Discover the best theme tag for your post.
  • Check the popularity and reputation of competitors and competitors with Instagram users.

This will give you two options: Put a complex Excel spreadsheet, and you must manually register or register regularly in the Instagram AnalysisTool.

Asa specialist in social media marketing, I know the challenge of selecting a new marketing tool for social networks.

Finding the best combination for Instagram’s strategy and budget takes a long time: Find tools, read feedback, and try them.

For this reason, in this article, I want to explain the description and ideal users for every Instagram Analysis Tool.

What kind of analysis tools are there?

There are the 10 best tools to get information on Instagram.

  1. Instagram Insights

If you do not mention a clear solution: Local Instagram Analysis, we will not be able to start this list.

Like most social media platforms, Instagram offers a variety of ideas about your audience activity, content performance, specific post, stories and more.

You can access your data in this database in the Database tab. You will see three types:

  • Activity: Infects the number of people affected.
  • Content: Media, stories and data errors for specific announcements.
  • Audience: Provide population data for you.

InstagramInsightshas some problems, including:

  • It needs to maintain some data.
  • You cannot choose a custom-time tour to see the data.
  • You cannot export the data.

This allows you to see larger images and evaluate your Instagram strategy more difficult.



  1. Later – Instagram Analytics Tools

Instagram analysis should not be just a sensitive number you want to try but also show that you are a good social network administrator (though it is very valuable).

The value of the analysis is that it can work by adjusting its strategy. Later, you can do it with a control panel.

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It displays analysis in four separate tabs: demonstration, auditor, later performance and visual performance.

General Description: This panel shows the basic data, such as the number of posts, followers and impressions, as well as their development and features as well. He has performed the best of the last 30 posts. This panel is available for all projects, including free projects.

Audience: It gives you access to demographic data and user behaviour. You can learn about age, gender, location, the language used, and when your audience is active on the platform.

Post-performance: deeper your data in the latest posts. These common data, such as comments and preferences, as well as backup copies, impressions, and boundaries. You can rate your messages in all these matrix-based categories.

StoryPerformance: This tab shows the analysis of the last three months. You can get information about the completion rate, the user’s average views, impressions, range and several responses. The completion rate of each story can help you with the maximum length of story-winning results.

The most useful and unique feature can be the best moment: It is part of the planning panel and analyses its previous performance to tell you when the post can work better.

You can use this information without opening new tabs without new information.

Later is a good choice if you want an integrated antigram solution. In addition to Instagram, you can also post Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest posts.


Professionals are later available for free, but your analysis is limited to the demos tab. They also offer four paid packages: $ 9 per month, $ 1 a month, the initial price of $ 29 and a grand prize of $ 49.

  1. Quantity

Quintly Instagram is a tool for insurance: it removes all the data you need to evaluate its performance and explains how to improve it.

The panel shows the overall performance of a given period and the figures for individual posts.

The odd thing is that it does not provide the data seen in Inst InstagramInsights: it transforms into real metrics for their Instagram strategy.

In addition, Quintly inspector supports data in Anagram’s stories that cannot be accessed by infinite in the Instagram application.

  • Do you know what day and time are better for the promise? You can.
  • Do you want to know what content and theme tags you offer most users? Do not ask!
  • Do you want to know which stories have been the most discussed? Here.

All raw data can be exported into CSV, XLS, JPG and PDF formats, and you can automatically set up your reports that will automatically be sent to your recipients. You can also share interactive reports via links.

It is ideal for leading brands and social media agents who need to understand the impact of their social media strategy and improve their goals.

It is compatible with various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Therefore, it is a good option if you want an integrated social network analysis solution.


Quintlyoffers a personal plan from $ 300 per month. The main difference between the projects is the number of social profiles that can be analyzed. All programs are offered a free two-week trial.

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  1. HYPR – Instagram Analytics Tools

This is another device that does not use your Instagram: For more specific purposes, use Instagram data from other users. Instagram is an ideal place for effective marketing, and it is not a secret.

However, suppose you decide to include Impact Marketing in your strategy. In that case, you will need a market research tool to find infections you want to target and target infections to your audience. Who wants to improve their brand?

All this can be done through the HYPR.

Database analysis based on the HYPR search effects database. It has introduced a topic of interactive communication, topics of recent infections, brand names and keywords, and themes used by the influence of demographic graphics users.

You can find the database by keywords, topics, names and Instagram effects by gender, age, education and income to filter.

To manage stable people, you must list: you can analyze groups and their comprehensive data by influential people.

Let’s start the campaign with six influential people. Using the list, you can:

  • Which audience will they find?
  • Check out your audience overload.
  • See how many unique viewers will be in your campaign.

You can export this list as a PDF file with a separate analysis of the entire group analysis and every affected element in the list.

Apart from this, the NHPR did not affect marketing through the discovery. It allows you to control your impact campaigns and shows individual messages and an overall performance overview of your campaign.

It shows suspicious activities, finds suspicious activities and shows. It also determines the impact of your campaign as per the effect of your campaign.

HYPR has a general health analysis to ensure that the victims are effective. It tells you how many per cent of your viewers are inactive, who can identify those who have purchased a customer or try to harass their customers in any other way. Are there

HYPR is a business-level marketing tool that supports multiple platforms within besides integration program (Facebook, Twitter, Pentest). I recommend it to social media agencies and brands regularly submitting marketing campaigns to affected people.

If you waste yourself in the depths of integration-related marketing, then you should use a social listening device.


HYPR has three projects, several users, every list profile and other features. The transfer is done after the prize presentation.

  1. Hootsuite Analytics

Hootsuite is known for its publishing tools on social networks. Not only can you help organize posts on Instagram, but you can also post the most social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter.

In addition to planning, it also provides users with powerful social network analysis.

There are three tabs in the Hootsuite Control Panel:

  • Overview: This will offer you general data on installation, such as the number of posts, the number of users, the number of subscribers, etc. During the period you choose. It automatically juxtaposes with the previous figures of your data, keeping your numbers from a historical perspective.
  • Post-performance: This analysis analyses the specific post’s data. You can see how you influence your data at the time of nature and publication of the content and change your strategy. This information is managed in a filter list.
  • Reports: This tab allows you to share the most important information with your team, recipient, and administration. This feature is one of the best ways to highlight your importance: because all the reports are highly customizable, you can choose the data you want to see in the panel.

Hootsuite also has social listening capabilities. You can analyze label performance and control the mention of Mr.


The professional is a cheaper package, costing $ 19 each month, but its analysis is limited. You can get custom analysis and export reports for $99 per month.

  1. Squarelovin – Instagram Analytics Tools

Squarelovin is an excellent installation device with two key features:

  • The analysis is presented clearly and intuitively.
  • A website is an extra that allows you to create shopping galleries from users’ creative content.

Squarelovinanalysis lets you split Instagram data into several types, focusing on monthly analysis, the matrix for specific posts, engagement, in-Instagram and optimization of its audience.

The Publishing Control Panel shows you how your followers get into your account, how much your year is, and how beneficial your post is.

The participating control panel displays animated tastes, reviews, and the most commentary and popular messages.

You can see the demographics of your users in the Community Control Panel.

The most interesting feature is the Optimization tab, where you can get practical advice about the data:

  • Post the best time to get more communication.
  • The best filter to use.
  • The most powerful Hashtags you have used in the past.
  • Currently tagged popular on Instagram.

This tool is ideal for small businesses and retailers who use information that collects their Instagram strategy to adjust.

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  1. Iconosquare

Most of the Iconosquare Instagram can help you achieve two ways: Free Instant Audit Service and Self-Tool.

InstantInstagram Audit allows you to log in to your account and get a report that immediately estimates the power of your profile. It provides you with a general corrective score, and then four important aspects are evaluated:

  • Account settings (your creatures and avatar).
  • Account activity (its independent habits and followers/proportions ratio).
  • Public company
  • content strategy

The analysis will highlight areas that can be improved and how to move forward.

This tool allows you to manage your Anagram and Facebook pages from one place. You can schedule posts, reply to DMs, monitor rivals’ activity and analyze your social network data.

AnIconosquare analysis is divided into several dashboards:

Overview: Your general data shows: followers, average promises, scope, and impressions for the chosen period.

Engagementshowsyour taste, comments, and history records calculates your average number of conversations and show the most attractive distance and publication.

The community receives all the demographic data of its population: age, gender, language and location.

Reach shows the history of impressions, photo type (image, video or carousel), and the maximum coverage of its followers online time and publication.

Profile data includes all data about personal data communication: profile views, bibliographic clicks and contact clicks.

Stories are clear: Analyze the settings, range, completion rate and more settings.

My Albums allow you to analyze a set-set data: Assume that you want to analyze the post of the last marketing campaign. Create an album and add a post with a campaign tag.

You can create a PDF or Excel format for sending daily, weekly and monthly data exports.

If you do not use the Instagram Analysis Tool (why are you reading this article?), I download the Instagram Instant Instagram report from Icono square to identify the weaknesses in your strategy.

Regarding the tool, many of its features will benefit from the major brands that focus on Instagram marketing.


Iconosquareoffers a free two-week trial version. Depending on the number of team members and profiles on this price you want to manage.

Two packages for $ 2 and $ 59, respectively

  • The Plan gives you 3 profiles and 2 team members.
  • The advanced plan includes 5 profiles and 3 team members.

You can create your project according to your needs.

  1. Sprout Social

If you need a social media platform that covers everything, the social network is the same as you need.

This is the control centre of all social networks:

  • Edition.
  • Message.
  • Tracking.
  • Analysis.
  • Manage your social network team.

It’scompatible with all major social media platforms, including Instagram.

Ofcourse, Sprout Social is a powerful consortium analysis platform. You can analyze professional and personal accounts, a rare case of Instagram analysis tools.

You can also analyze the inspector profiles of your contestant.

Instagram business profile data is divided into three categories: general information, digital data and personal data.

General Information Panel offers an overview of your performance. In addition to historical data provided in the installation of Instagram, access, impressions, followers, etc., it also analyses your publishing habits.

Society social shows what kind of messages are better, which topics of the theme are the most, and how they are the best performances tag, DMs your answer, and so on.

In the same panel, you have Google Analytics history. Sprite saves social data so that you can evaluate the results for a long time, even if the integration holds a two-week limit on the article’s statistics.

The demographic graph displays the demographics of the users.

The Professional Panel allows you to compare and compare multiple Instagram profiles.

As mentioned earlier, Sprint Social is a social network management tool for many social networks. Therefore, social media is the right tool if you are considering state-of-the-art reporting support for all solutions.

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Promoting three programs to social offers:

  • Quality of $ 99 per month.
  • Every month professional is $ 149.
  • Senior,$ 249 per month.

The number of users can increase depending on the number. Free trial.

  1. Social Bakers – Instagram Analytics Tools

SocialBakers is designed for social media agencies and big teams. Optimize your workflow, allow you to assign tasks for team members and to define your viewers and announcements.

LikeIconosquare, Social Backers offers free analytics options for Instagram. The free report provides the following information:

  • Most beloved message
  • More comment
  • Main theme tag
  • Distribute mail per month
  • Top filter
  • A clearer layout of files

If you decide to participate in the entire Social Baker experience, you can analyze your data, look at your articles labelled and found effective people.

You can generate more than one channel report to get the performance of Instagram with other social media channels.

The most special feature is competitive benchmarking: You can add multiple insights into profiles and compare them using public data.

Another useful feature of monitoring the competition is the ability to create content sources from competition profiles so that you can monitor their activities.

The social Bakers Platform is designed for competitive monitoring and advertising management. If you need to copy these marketing areas to a social network, it’s your device.

  1. Awario

You will be notified when someone will be marked on your social network on network. However, it is easy to forget if it is often labelled.

Think of everything you have yet to hear: Do not mark them with @ sign for all articles about your business.

Now, imagine that you can take all these notes, labels and marks without marking and understanding:

  • Who mentioned me?
  • What language do they speak?
  • Whether your brand has a positive or negative status.
  • How often do people talk about it?

Irish does this: it collects all its minds and analyses to get valuable information. (Disclosure: I work for Awario.)

One of the most important use issues for brands is brand monitoring: Who knows who is talking about your brand, how to manage negative comments and more. However, there are several ways to use the tool.

You can monitor relevant keywords to understand your target audience, or you can see your competitive brand name to determine your shared voice on Instagram.

Once you start using the tool, you can quickly access historical data. It allows you to quickly submit your keywords.


There are three payment plans:

  • Entry fee ($ 29 per month).
  • Professional($ 89 per month).
  • Business($ 299 per month).

You can try the device for free for two weeks.


Hopefully, from now on, when you hear the “Instagram Analytics” expression, your mind will focus on all the ways to apply the analysis to your strategy.

Yes, some tools on this list manage ideally available data on platforms, but you can manage and analyses a good way for your business.

Some devices use public insight data to help your market research, reputation management and impact marketing.

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