
 Common Internet Marketing Acronyms Defined




Companies that market themselves to other businesses (vs marketing directly toward consumers).



Companies that market themselves to consumers (vs other businesses).



Typically used for online marketing and website optimization. Conversion rate optimization is changing your ads, marketing strategies or website to turn more viewers or visitors into conversions. What constitutes a “conversion” varies from company to company. A B2B company may say that a conversion has occurred when a website visitor downloads a case study, registers for a webinar or subscribes to an email newsletter. A B2C company typically refers to an inquiry or lead as a conversion. Ecommerce websites might call an online sale a conversion. A common mistake many business owners make is spending money to generate website traffic (via strategies like PPC, SEO, etc.) but not allocating any budget to improve their website’s conversion rate. You want traffic, but you need conversions!



Pay-per-click is one element of search engine marketing. Advertisers select and bid on keywords they would like their ad to appear when a query is performed on a search engine. The most common Pay per click platforms exist on Google (AdWords), Yahoo (Search Marketing) and Bing (Microsoft AdCenter). + Learn more – additional PPC terms and definitions



Pay-per-lead advertising is self-explanatory. Most home service businesses have heard of Service Magic. This is a popular pay-per-lead campaign where the publisher (Service Magic) pays to generate the leads and then sells them to (multiple) advertisers. Some Pay per lead platforms sell the same lead to multiple companies (like Service Magic), while others are exclusive to one advertiser.



The percentage of profit or revenue derived from a particular advertising or marketing campaign/strategy. Small, medium-sized businesses are best served using profit (vs revenue) and focusing additional marketing budget on the advertising strategies with a positive ROI (those generating profit over the advertising cost). NOTE: It is only possible to calculate an accurate ROI for advertising if you accurately track your advertising results!



Related to ROI, ROAS is the revenue generated per dollar spent. ROAS can be a useful metric when comparing the performance of two different advertising strategies. Cost per lead can be misleading. Suppose one Yellow Page ad has a cost per lead of $90 and the other has a cost per lead of $50, but the YP ad with the $90 cost per lead generates $700 jobs while the ad with the $50 cost per lead generates $300 jobs. Alternatively, what if one advertising strategy generates leads that convert to sales at a much higher rate? In both cases, calculating the ROAS helps determine which ad is more effective.



The process of changing your website’s code, structure, and on-page and off-page content in a way that allows search engines to more easily find, index and rank your site relative to your competitors. Search engine optimization is typically considered a search engine marketing strategy (along with Pay per clicks). For example, if someone searches for Maryland SEO companies, the companies that come up organically have invested years in optimizing their websites for this particular search term (whether it’s the right term or not is another issue!). + Learn more about SEO – Read our SEO FAQs



Each page of search results on Google, Yahoo, Bing and the other search engines is real estate. As a business owner, you want to maximize yours – more search engine real estate equals more (qualified) visitors, leads and sales! Search engine marketing is increasing your search engine real estate using tactics such as SEO, PPC and Local Optimization (ex., adding your business to Google maps).


The Beginner’s Guide to SEO

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Why Choose A One Sol Over Other SEO Companies?

At A One Sol, we let our clients just speak for us. Look at our SEO reviews and hear directly from our clients why we are the best SEO company worldwide for your needs. Most importantly, everything A One Sol does comes from the perspective of a business owner. We work for your business like it’s our own.

Done that? Great! Let’s get a load of the details. Our SEO professionals can offer you a few guarantees other SEO agencies can’t:

  • WE WON’T ALLOW YOU TO WORRY ABOUT LONG-TERM CONTRACTS. We won’t put you in chains for a specific period. Ever.
  • YOU MUST OWN EVERY SINGLE DELIVERABLE, FROM YOUR WEBSITE TO EVEN YOUR CONTENT. Many SEO agencies wouldn’t allow you to keep your work when you say goodbye. Not us.
  • YOU’LL BOOST YOUR MARKETING COSTS. Whatever we do is tracked, measured, and closely analyzed for betterment. This does lower your costs and lift results.
  • YOU GET THE PEACE OF MIND THAT WE WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT FOR YOU. SEO is a long-term investment; this is why our SEO Specialists believe in building partnerships rather than acquiring clients.
  • YOU GET A DEDICATED ACCOUNT MANAGER to your best guidance, and you also get a support team, including an analyst, web designer/developer, and a dedicated (US-based) copywriter.
  • YOU GET DETAILED MONTHLY REPORTS (you can understand) that attach search engine optimization performance to your bottom line.

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