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 All of your site traffic might be organic in an ideal world. For all of us, that’s the perfect situation.

However, sometimes it may take more than 5,10, or even 16 months for you to get benefits from your organic search tactics. This isn’t to down you in the dumps. While you should stay the distance and prioritize SEO best practices, you can always run paid ads to get more traffic to your website.

So, I suggest you run PPC campaigns for those who shell out money in your marketing budget.

When it comes to using paid ads, Google AdWords is a great way.

Google performs a great function providing you with the tools to confirm that your ads are seen by the peeps who focus on your business. The most effective and successful campaign is remarketing.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing is a way to display your ads to those who have previously visited your site. Because these viewers are strangers to your business, they can likely convert when they are viewing your ad on search engine result pages oron a Google partner website.

It’s too good to drive loads of traffic to your site. Everyone desires to get more traffic. But if those users aren’t converting, you’re not about to get a high ROI on those paid ads.

That’s where remarketing plays its vital role. How does remarketing do an amazing job? Here’s a simple visual representation to make it easy to understand.

It’s an extremely easy concept to understand.

Your site users will be tailed based on their conduct. Then your ad would show up when they’re visiting another website coming times.

I’m sure you’ve come across this before.

You made a query in a search engine regarding “hotels in Pakistan”, and then later that time, you looked at an ad for a hotel website that you were visiting earlier. That’s a remarketing campaign.

Did you not use this strategy before? Don’t get in a flap. As an author of A One Sol, I’ll clear up every step you need to take to kick off with Google AdWords. What implementing the remarketing strategy will do for you is to improve your conversion rates and generate a higher ROI (return on investment)for your ad spending.

Generate the remarketing code

All you have to do is generate a remarketing code from your Google AdWords account. After that, you’ll finally have to put this code on your site, and then Google will track users and, in time, apply this tactic to partner websites.

I’m sure that you already own a Google account. Do you have one? Not.

Don’t worry. Take the time to set that up. So, it’s a fast and free process to do. You’ll only pay money once you run your ads.

When you’re signed in to Google AdWords, click on the “tools” icon at the top of your dashboard to expand the menu.

After that, navigate to the “shared library” column and select “audience manager,” as shown in the screenshot above.

After getting to this page, you’ll see that you’re already present in a remarketing section. Click “audience sources” on the screen’s left side to keep going.

When you land on this page, five different options will be in front of you:

  • Google Ads Tag
  • Google Analytics
  • App Analytics
  • Google Play
  • YouTube

These are all ways that you could tail clients for remarketing campaigns. Regarding our purpose nowhere, we’ll select “set up tag” from the “Google Ads tag” box.

At the moment, you need to decide the type of remarketing campaign you’re interested in running. However, there are two options for you.

When It comes to the first option, it’s as simple as a five-finger exercise; collect extensive data about site visitors.

This particularly means that if any person visits your website, they’ll become a possibility for your remarketing campaigns.

But just because people browse your website, it doesn’t drive automatically at someone that they have an interest in what you’re providing. At some times, folks might get to your website by mistake. They may see that what you’re offering differs from what they set their heart on. Of course, it’s feasible that your products are priced as high as they can afford. So, there are several different elements at play here.

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And also, remarketing to everybody is only sometimes the most successful and effective way to get the conversion. This is the reason that you should mull over the second option.

Google gives you the go-ahead to collect the data based on fixed visitor actions to display more personalized ads to the peeps. An example would be there; you can target only visitors who added something to their shopping cart but didn’t convert and buy anything.

Once you single out the type of remarketing strategy you like to pursue, Google will automatically create a code for you.

Include the tag on your site

After generating the remarketing code, you need to install the tag on your site.

Those who opt for the second option, bringing the specific visitor actions, must see that two codes have been generated.

  • Global site tag
  • Event snippet

So, the global site tag must be put on every website page. This will be placed in your page HTML’s <head> section.

Here’s an example of what appears when the tag gets created for you on AdWords.

But the event snippet tags are a bit more complex.

You can’t just place the code on your website as it reads in the auto-generation box. The placeholders in the code should be updated based on the type of event you’re following for remarketing.

Remember, this tactic aims to root out the users who are likely to convert.

The snippets might not go on every page of your website. Rather, they’ll only be built on the pages where those actions turn out, such as the add-to-cart, product page, or contact us page.

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Including those placeholders, here’s a great example of an event snippet code.

As you can pay attention to what I’ve meant above, different tag parts should be replaced, having had value for tracking purposes.

I’ll break this down even further.

You can see from the top that this snippet is measured out the page views by default. However, other examples of the events add things like:

  • view_search_results
  • view_item_list
  • view_item
  • add_to_cart
  • purchase

What you need to change when you set an eventis value items and ID parameters to keep in touch with your remarketing campaigns.

This all is up to your business and the type of website you own.

Meanwhile, these options are very versatile. Google gives you the option to be extremely specific within your business vertical.

A short time ago, Google updated the code for their tags. So, for those who previously placed a remarketing tag on their website, you need to update those old tags. Nonetheless, Google doesn’t eliminate the old tags, which still works, but they favour generating new global tags and event snippets to use best in the future.

Three ways are there to help you install these tags on your site.

  • Install it yourself
  • Email the tag to your webmaster
  • Use the Google tag manager

However, every choice is rather self-explanatory. Google must walk you through the procedure each step of the way. Once you decide to do this on your own, don’t let slip that the placeholder must be changed. Otherwise, the campaign might need to be fixed.

Item parameters

As I mentioned before, you have to update the placeholders in the event snippet code, as it will help you track specific user actions on your site. Meanwhile, based on the type of business vertical that you select will make item parameters vary.

These are the categories:

  • Retail
  • Education
  • Flights
  • Hotels and rentals
  • Jobs
  • Local deals
  • Real estate
  • Travel
  • Custom

If you own a retail site, the ID can act like a unique product.

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Using a different vertical comes up with another example that is here. Whether you have an airline or handle a site that sells flights, the event snippet tag that you have can look something like this:

However, this particularly tracks the peeps who obtain a flight from London to LAX.

One of their remarketing campaigns can be upgrading their seat, providing betterer service, getting a hotel, or renting a car when they get to their destination.

Go through this resource from Google to look at the full list of requirements and examples of item parameters in your Company. I’d also put forward to pore over this Google support page that chews over the custom rules for remarketing campaigns.

Do update your privacy policy.

You have a complete setup, and the code is on your website. With all of this, you’ll also have to make more changes to your site.

Your privacy policy should be updated to let your site visitors know exactly what you’re doing.

According to Google, these are the main needs for what your updated privacy policy requires to cover.

  • Give details on how you’re using remarketing to advertise on the site.
  • Throw light on how Google and other third-party websites display ads from your site all over the Internet.
  • Explain how Google and other websites use cookies and device identifiers to show ads based on user behaviour on your website.
  • Do give instructions for how site users could opt out of cookies and device identifiers.

Never skip this step. It’s immoral to let down your site visitors. On the other hand, Google says that you must pass on all of this information if you’re working on AdWords using remarketing.

The clients who got our remarketing services have taken their business to the next level.

Create custom audience lists

It’s a perfect time to customize who you target with remarketing.

Return to the “audience manager” page on your AdWords dashboard. After that, navigate to the “audience lists” tab and click on the plus (+) sign to include a new audience.

Next, you’ll see the different options for where this list will belong to.

  • Website Visitors
  • App users
  • YouTube users
  • Customer list
  • Custom combination

For this purpose, we’re here to move forward and pick out the “website visitors” option.

Next, include more information about this list by giving it a name and changing the settings. Look at what that page looks like:

First, you need to name your audience.

Be specific so that you can pick it out from other lists. But you’ll be able to opt for this audience later on when you work on your ads.

Then, you could update custom information about their conduct and actions on your website. Your options include the following:

  • Visitors who landed on a specific landing page
  • Visitors who landed on a specific page and another specific page
  • Visitors who landed on one page but did not land on another specific page
  • Visitors who landed on a page during specific dates
  • Visitors who landed on a page with certain tags

For instance, you may want to target the site visitors who landed on your “product page” but didn’t visit your contact us page. Or you could target the website users who visited the about us page and the product page.

Based on the options you pick out, you’ll also include those specific URLs.

Next, it’s a moment for you to decide how long you want this visitor list to be on file. By default, it is fixed for 30 days. However, it could be as long as 530-540 days.

You’d want to fix this accordingly based on the page and campaign. If you’re advertising impulse buy products, you’ll wish it set remarkably lower. Or if you’re publicizing a specified landing page for a holiday sale, you’ll need to confirm the ads don’t run past that holiday.

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For the most part, 30 days should be fine. While you can, experiment with other moments when you produce new audience lists every time.

Launch your remarketing campaign

When your settings are done, test them now. You need to produce and run your ads.

Come back to the AdWords dashboard. Discover “campaigns” on the left side of the screen.

To begin the new campaign, click on the+ sign.

Then, it would help if you were promoted to select your goal from the following options:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website Traffic
  • Brand awareness and reach
  • Product and brand consideration
  • App Promotion

You could select from this list according to your needs. But for conversion, you’ll want to pick out sales, leads, or product considerations.

Then, you’d determine the campaign type. For remarketing, click the “display” option.

This is the possibility for your ad to customize all settings and parameters. You’ll set things like:

  • Campaign name
  • Locations you want to target
  • Languages
  • Bid settings
  • Budget

Did you do all of this? Well. Now, scroll until you view the “audiences” section.

Click on the “browse” tab in the middle of the “edit targeted audience” window.

I was hoping you could navigate to the 3rd option, as I marked in the image above. What this will do is OK you to single out how different types of audiences have interrelated with your brand.

From here, you can single out a list from that custom audience we generated just in the previous step. Also, you can pick all audiences or audiences that AdWords has improved.

After all this process, it’s just a matter of creating and starting the campaign.

Based on your remarketing campaign, the process you perform to create an ad will vary. For instance, if a person sees a specific product and has already bought it, it’s nonsense to display them for it. If they selected an item to their cart but came back without finalizing the purchase process, displaying that product they left out might dangle a carrot in front of them to purchase.


If you’re serious about investing in PPC campaigns with AdWords, give remarketing ads a try.

You have a chance and benefit to target qualified leads with remarketing. Those folks who have already visited your site and performed some actions close to converting.

Since they already know your brand, site, products or services, bringing those visitors to complete the conversion would be much simpler and easier than publicizing to someone unfamiliar.

Do track your conversions. Notice which type of ads, actions, and custom audience lists are getting the great results and highest ROI. Then you can build upon those campaigns and change the ones performing worst. That’s how you drive conversions with Google AdWords having had a remarketing campaign.

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