
Revenue Driven for Our Clients
 In fact, according to a new study from instal, 33.6 per cent of all sites are built by WordPress. Moreover, the platform presides over 60.5 per cent of the CMS market share worldwide.

That’s the number one ranking position for both of those categories.

Since when WordPress is too favored, it’s only expected that you may be using it to run your site. Most of you may be using WordPress. No matter your situation, you could benefit from this definite guide.

When developing and managing a site, you’ll need to correct things. This is includible.

I’ve made many mistakes and may make more going forward – that’s part of life.

But with that said, I’ve cottoned onto that there are some avertable mistakes. So, I came across too many people who use WordPress, making the same slip-up time after time. That boo-boo fires me with enthusiasm to jot down this guide.

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Whether you’re a WordPress beginner or a WordPress expert, you’re not safe from a bloomer.

After you pore over this list, you’ll get down pat on how to fight shy of mistakes before they happen.

Overpaying To gets your site off the ground, you must get a domain name and a hosting web service.

But I know too many new site owners get into a difficult situation while investing money into features they don’t need to use. Meanwhile, domain registrars would, every time, try to upsell you on more services.

If you didn’t go through this process before, you might mull over that some of these features are important since the pitches are offered so well. So, what I’m writing about includes extra email accounts, enhanced privacy, and improved security.

Depending upon your condition, you should not shell out for extras. What you can do with that money is to save and invest in other add-ons to your site and business. Right now, it’s a little bit of money. However, it increases over time, specifically when you must pay the monthly bill.

On the other hand, it’s also necessary for you to single out the right WordPress plan that fits your needs.

Are you just blogging at this moment? If yes, then there’s no need to spend more than ten times that price for an e-commerce plan because you’re contemplating potentially something in the future.

However, you could always kick upstairs your plan when you’re up to scale your website.

  1. Not backing up

“It’ll not betide to me” is the wrong mindset.

The last thing you want is to rise one morning to learn that your website has been compromised and all data of your website has not been longer.

It’s time to kick off all over from square one, right?

If you’re setting aside to back up your content, that would be your only option to come down in favour. What you need to do is to set up the automated backups on your WordPress site.

I chance on plenty of people fail to keep anything on their site. But this can be steered clear if they just had their website backups.

One of the best and easiest ways to back up your website is with plugins. Plenty of the greatest backup plugins are out there for you to install.

Every time, do use cloud storage services. Remember, using a remote location or backing up content on the hosting can whip up to lose everything when the server crashes or gets compromised.

  1. Not integrating Google Analytics.

Without analyzing data, it’s beyond the bounds of possibility for your site to go like the wind at top performance.

Meanwhile, as an author of A One Sol, I’ve called on plenty of site owners who need basic information about their site, including traffic sources, conversions, top-performing content, impression, how folks navigate, and things like that. 

Google Analytics helps you gain more insight into your site as it’s the best way.

On your WordPress website, I put forward strongly to install a Google Analytics plugin. The well-built plugins come up with the reports of your audiences.

You must know their behavior, events, shopping cart data, and conversion metrics. Next, you could use this piece of information to optimize your site and target your audience accordingly.

  1. Brushing aside updates

Being on your WordPress dashboard, you’d see an update notification from now and then. Could you have a look at what it looks like?

In the digital world, we always receive update notifications like this.

I’m sure you notice the messages like this on your phone, computer, laptop, and tablet. However, you can notice the update notifications on your smart TV or refrigerator.

In those situations, it may be fine to push aside them. But that’s different for WordPress updates.

People may be shaking like a leaf to install an update. They worry that it will bring about their website crashing or something like that. Don’t worry. That’s just a misapprehension.

Specific themes and plugins must be having problems if you don’t update your WordPress version. So, it’s too good to stay on the peak of these updates whenever you come across that notification.

  1. Selecting the wrong theme

It’s common for new site owners to work so hard when they have to design their site.

This may be hard for you unless you don’t have design experience. On the other hand, the design is about to greatly impact the effectiveness and success of your site.

If visitors strive to find what they’re searching for, it’ll be crushing their user experience. So, you need to get the advantage of the themes provided by WordPress.

When it comes to WordPress themes, there are thousands. It’s immense to stay the least.

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This is why I meet too many people who choose a theme to go forward. After that, they continuously play about and make their mind change until they find the right ones. It’s a big problem.

Instead of rebuilding your website again and again based on the theme, you’re much greater choosing the perfect theme right from the start.

Try your best to single out a theme that looks awesome on desktops and is mobile-friendly. It should be adaptable as well as flexible based on your needs.

Before picking out a theme, make sure it’s compatible with the plugins you’re employing or deciding to use. Most importantly, the theme should be optimized and improved for top performance and site speed.

  1. Using posts rather than pages

While generating content on your website, the critical thing is to know the difference between posts and pages. I have come across many WordPress beginners using posts to develop the main pages on their websites.

However, posts, as well as pages, act quite differently in the matter of your website architecture.

If you don’t discriminate between both posts and pages from the start, things will get chaotic and complex for you in the future as you bring out more and more content and your site scales.

Here’s what you should know.

Essentially, pages are for timeless content. The pages you might need to change regularly are here.

  • Contact page
  • Privacy policy
  • Pricing
  • Services
  • About us page

Meanwhile, posts are essential for articles, blogs, and news updates. So, these are time-based parts of the content on your website.

For SEO basis on WordPress, you should know when to employ a page vs. a post.

  1. Ignoring SEO

If you’re building your website and adding content without thinking about search engine optimization, you’re actually on the wrong path. This is another blunder for people who are WordPress beginners.

Without SEO, you may not get folks to visit your website. This is why you should become competent in SEO best practices.

What will bring more visitors to your website is high search engine rankings.

WordPress comes up with some SEO tools designed in. However, you could, every time, add plugins.

  1. Confusing categories with tags

You could publish your content on your WordPress website with categories and tags. But plenty of WordPress users need to learn how to do it correctly.

I’ve visited sites that have dozens of tags and no categories. Another side, I’ve also seen WordPress users who add nearly 50 categories and zero tags. None of these tactics is good.

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So, categories are the typical way to gather the content on your WordPress website. But tags are more specified.

Nonetheless, a blog post or an article would fall into one category and add multiple tags. An example is there you own a news website.

  • Politics
  • Sports
  • Weather
  • Local
  • Celebrity
  • Breaking news
  • Actress
  • Actor
  • World
  • Video
  • UK
  • Business
  • Tech
  • Science
  • Entertainment and Arts
  • Health

While tags for a specific post can be “NBA final”, “healthy life”, “Yoga”, “Golden State Warriors”, or “new movie” for a blog post related to health categories, sports categories, or movie categories.

  1. Not monitoring speed and performance.

I’ve come across WordPress users who install so many plugins. They build plenty of different features and functions to their website while simultaneously uploading thousands of images, videos, and other interactive content.

However, when they do all this, they need to see how it impacts their website’s performance.

If your site takes a lot of time to load, it’s about to greatly impact your website’s bounce rates.

Other side, website users go to more pages to view when your content loads faster.

Websites that load in less than 3 seconds or less get almost 9-page views per session. This weighs up to 3-page views per session for the websites that take 7 seconds to load.

That’s why I recommend you benefit from the tools and resources that monitor your WordPress website’s speed, performance, and effectiveness.

  1. Poor security

You’ve pored over my guide on WordPress, the popular CMS platform. It’s sensible to say that it’s also the easiest target for hackers.

More than 90,000 websites are hacked each day. 82per cent of those websites is built on WordPress.

If you’re being negligent about taking steps to improve the security of your WordPress website, you’re in peril to hackers, brute force attacks, and malware.

Any of these things can harm your website, specifically when it uses WordPress. Imagine the effect hackers get surreptitiously from your company and your customers. It’ll wreak havoc on your reputation, trample on SEO value, and bring about you to lose your potential customers.

So, this is something you love to fight shy of. You need to install one of the greatest WordPress security plugins.

  1. Let slip to remove demo content.

While installing WordPress first, your website must automatically come up with a default page called “hello world.” Next, there is default text, too; that’s the first template on WordPress to see how your website can look.

Search engines would have crawled and indexed the content if you eliminated this from your site.

Big G would catch onto this as low-quality and duplicate content since it’s on every site from other peeps who let slip to remove it. That’s the worst for SEO.

It’s a bad impression on your website when some person visits and looks at the default content that’s not expected to be there. What’s the most important thing to do before you begin adding the pages and bringing out the posts is to eliminate the demo content.

  1. Not monitoring comments

Giving your website visitors a chance to comment on your blog posts and articles is a good way to keep them embark on.

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After they pore over your ideas, they would wish to involve in the discussion too. Conversely, people can even talk with other users on your website via the comments.

But the issue is out there with this. Comments sections have been a breeding ground for spam.

Like anyone, you surely don’t like this happening on your site. This is why I recommend you monitor the comments.

Head over to the discussion menu from your WordPress dashboard.

Next, set it up for manual approval. You’ll receive an email when some persons comment on your post that requires your review. It makes it easier for you to notice a legitimate comment from anything that’s either spam or unrelated.

  1. Keeping your website public while you’re creating

Just because you own a WordPress website, it doesn’t mean that people should be able to visit it before it’s complete.

You know well that websites require a long period of time to develop. A web that’s, in fact, “under construction” donated to available for public access.

As I said, search engines can crawl and index a public website. So, if a website doesn’t completely built, then it’s not about to be boosted for SEO.

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Plus, you will always let your customers or competitors take a look at your complete site. The greatest way to avoid this is by keeping your WordPress website in maintenance mode while you’re working on it.


It’s a good idea to use WordPress to manage your website.

Although WordPress is a powerful tool, it’s a simple platform to make blunders on, particularly if you’re the starting point.

Don’t be affected badly by these common mistakes. Review this definite guide before using WordPress, and refer back to it regularly to ensure that you’re making these errors a miss.

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